Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Maple Ridge - Degraded Land Restoration Project

Vancouver, BC
Status: underway
Zerofootprint works hard to ensure that our carbon offsets meet the very highest standards of verification, certification, and transparency.
Our forestation project in Maple Ridge, British Columbia is pioneering the development of credible and effective climate change mitigation and ecosystem restoration products.
In 2006, this project developed over 200,000 tonnes of carbon credits in the District of Maple Ridge over an area of approximately 83 hectares, and involved the planting of over 25,000 indigenous Douglas firs, Sitka spruces, Western red cedars, Western hemlocks and cotton woods.
Our project methodology utilized has been ISO 14064-2 validated by a qualified greenhouse gas auditor. Post-implementation planning audits for the project are provided by an independent Registered Professional Biologist to ensure that the number of trees, species mix, location, and survival have been assessed and reported.
This is the only project to have met the criteria for the Canadian Standards Association’s GHG CleanProjects™ Registry.

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